Local Health & Lifestyle Support
Cheshire East Council provide free local support to help you lose weight, move more, and be smoke free.
Refer yourself for free mental health support
Talking Therapies – Central Cheshire
Central Cheshire Talking Therapies (formerly IAPT) service provides a range of services for individuals aged 16 and over, who have common mental health problems, who are registered with GP surgeries within the Central Cheshire area.
What is a Talking Therapies service?
A Talking Therapies service is for adults aged 16 + with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety or depression and provides brief psychological therapy.
They offer a self-referral option by telephone on 0300 303 0639 or online.
Self Referral Physio
You can now self-refer to Physiotherapy by completing this online form
Rehabilitation Exercise Programme
Everybody healthy (Crewe Lifestyle Centre) have recently launched a new innovative health programme called Good Boost.
Good Boost is an app-based therapeutic aquatic exercise programme, for people with musculoskeletal conditions.
Aqua rehab and hydrotherapy is a proven effective treatment for people living with MSK conditions, Good Boost can offer personalised aquatic rehabilitation technology on waterproof tablets.
Everybody are keen to provide accessible personalised service for rehabilitation, helping people self-manage their condition.
There is also the Escape Pain Class, an education and exercise programme for people with chronic pain.
The programme will be rolled out across Cheshire East over the coming months.
This programme is available at a reduced cost of £27 for 3 months on referral, if you are interested please contact our Health and Wellbeing coach at Rope Green Medical Centre on 01270 275990.
Download a copy of GoodBoost Information Poster for more information.