Rope Green Medical Centre has had a Patient Participation Group for many years made up of volunteers who are patients at the practice.
The objectives of the group are to provide feedback on behalf of the patients of the Practice to encourage development and quality of health promotion and health care services. The group is open to patients of the Practice (up to a maximum 15 patients). We wish to ensure that the contribution made is as representative of as many patients as possible and is positive, encouraging and objective. We encourage feedback on the quality and provision of service to help support decision-making and often discuss new services proposed by the Practice before they are implemented.
We meet every 3 months but it is entirely up to you how much time you want to give—you do not have to attend every meeting. We ask for any agenda items members would like discussing beforehand and we try to make the meetings as informal as possible.
If you wish to join the Practice Patient Participation Group or if you have any comments or suggestions you would like to be considered on how to improve patient care at the practice you can email us at Alternatively, you can provide feedback by filling in an ‘NHS Friend and Family Test’ card available in the waiting room or completing the Friends and Family Test on our website available via the link below the results of which we review monthly.
PPG Meetings
PPG meeting summary notes – 1st October 2024
PPG meeting summary notes – 25th June 2024 (in progress)
PPG meeting summary notes – 26th March 2024 (in progress)